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Strategic Plan & Program of Work

Stregthen Parterships

Improve relationships with government and non-government entitites to develop partnership further enhancing quality of life.

Who (oversees)
Expected Completion
On a regular basis, attend WORD, County luncheons, GRBA, Corps of Engineers, etc. meetings.
Fredrickson and Board
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Focus on building partnerships by inviting people to convene at various meetings.
Fredrickson. Collora and Board
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Be a promoter of all things Canyon Lake by including events and activities on social media and eblasts.
Collora and Board
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Conduct meetings with significant business leaders to determine their needs and how to work with them.
Fredrickson. Adams and Board
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Build good will by inviting leaders of various organizations to our meetings.
Fredrickson. Collora and Board
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Kim and Tim

Kim Collora, Executive Director & Tim Fredrickson, Board Member

"We're excited to further build relationships with other entities around the Canyon Lake area. We are stronger together."

More Members & Member Engagement

Attract more members and member engagement by creating a chesive brand to entice members and through business promotions.

Who (oversees)
Expected Completion
Rewrite the Membership Levels and Benefits Program. Get Board approval. Place on the website. Design and approve brochure
Smith & Adams
Mar/April Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Form a Membership Committee. Meet monthly. Define roles and responsibilities
Smith & Adams
April Ongoing 2023
In Progress
Continue reworking the website to be a hub of information.
Smith & Collora
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress
Form a Monday eblast to include happenings in the Chamber and Canyon Lake area.
Smith & Collara
March 2024
In Progress
Devise a plan to reach out to business to ask them to join the Chamber.
Smith, Adams & Committee
May 2024
In Progress
Lora and Dale

Lora Smith, Secretary & Dale Adams, Vice Chair

"We want to clearly state your membership benefits and offer some new things so businesses feel a greater return on their investment."

New Visitors Center

Build a state of the art, new, dynamic Visitor Center & to be a known entity in the Canyon Lake area as a resource for sucess.

Who (Oversees)
Expected Completion
Develop a design committee and create a timeline of what needs to happen from when the land sells to move in time.
Matier & Harris
March 2024
In Progress
Send a request for bids to builders for building the Visitor Center. Create a bid spec sheet. Board approval.
Matier & Harris
April 2024
In Progress
Determine what is needed for the contents of the building and what needs to be sponsored. Develop a sponsor list and begin asking business to sponsor
Matier, Harris & Collora
Apr/May 2024
In Progress
Create a plan for communicating what's happening; press release, blog, social media, eblasts, etc.
Harris & Smith
March 2024
In Progress
Develop the materials needed to sell the bricks and fund raise for contents of the building. Design flyers, online purchasing, etc.
Matier & Smith
May 2024
In Progress

Marc Matier, Chair & Terry Harris, Treasurer

"We are so fortunate to be in the position to build a beautiful new Visitor Center for our community and its visitors. We have a plan and will not stop until we're done"

Committee Involvement

Streamline and enhance our operational aspects through the formation of committees therefore adding to our revenue.

Who (Oversees)
Expected Completion
Each Board Member will form one committee and become chairperson and coordinate one or two tasks that benefit the local businesses.
Orsak & Ruff
Mar/Apr 2024
In Progress
The Board Committee Chair will be responsible for creating roles and guidelines and presenting to the board for approval
Orsak & Ruff
Apr/May 2024
In Progress
The Board Committee will be responsible for reaching out and recruiting people to be on their committee.
Orsak & Ruff
Apr/May 2024
In Progress
Develop a Learning Series with speakers and panfels to helo Small Businesses.
Orsak, Ruff & Collora
September 2024
In Progress
Focus on getting Members engaged
Orsak & Ruff
March Ongoing 2024
In Progress

Michelle Ruff, Board Member and Nikki Orsak, Board Member

"Working together in a committee setting gives a great network experience and at the same time can make many great things happen for the  Canyon Lake area. We are excited to put together a Learning Series of educational courses to help us grow our small businesses.

Ask us anything! We’re here to answer any questions you have. 



Phone: (830)964-2223


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